
How many people died when the Vasa sank?

On the 10th of August 1628 there was between 150-200 people onboard Vasa when the ship sank. Around 30-50 of them died. Many survived beacuse they where standing on deck when the ship started to heal over and were able to save them self by jumping in the water. There was a lot of boats around the ship that could help save the people in the water and also close to the shore.

Inger, educator officer answers:

"We cannot say exactly how many perished. There are three contemporary letters from different persons which state about 50, 40 and 30 respectively. In the joint letter of the Council to the King two days after the accident they say that most escaped and that it is not possible to do not yet know how many remained in the depths because muster did not have time to be held.

These written records, plus our actual skeletal finds are what we have to go on.

Probably a few more died than we have skeletons, but they were picked up and buried and then we don't "see" them in the sources. That's why, then as now, different numbers circulate."

In the exhibition "Face to face" you can find out more about the people who followed the Vasa down into the depths. Read more about the exhibition here;