This is a difficult question to answer accurately, since many of the dimensions varied. For example, the upper gundeck is 1.7 meters tall at the bow, 1.9 meters amidships, and 1.85 meters near the stern.
The ship has seven levels in all. Four of these extend the length of the ship. These are the hold, which varies in height between 1.8 m and 2.9 m, the orlop (1.1 m to 1.4 m), the lower gundeck (1.6 to 1.7 m), and the upper gundeck (dimensions above). The upper deck, which extends over about two thirds of the length is open to the sky. In the sterncastle, there are three levels. The upper cabin has a height of 1.8 to 1.9 m, the poop cabin is only 1.5 m tall, and the poop deck is open to the sky.
We cannnot yet accurately calculate the weight of each deck, due to the complex structure.
The mast heights (from the bottom of the keel) are:
Foremast:47.0 m
Mainmast: 52.4 m
Mizzenmast: 39.4 m
These heights are estimates, since the upper parts of the masts did not survive and we have reconstructed the length on the basis of rigging rules from the period.