A collection of 8 articles
Lost and found
In case of any lost items during your visit to the Vasa Museum, please contact
the information desk by e-mail to info.vasa@smtm.se or phone +46 (0)8 519 558 10
during the Vasa Museums opening hours.
Apply for internships at the Vasa Museum
When the Vasa Museum have internships vacancies it is published on the website
of the agency that our museum belongs to:
However, all the advertisments are in Swedish, which you will find on this site:
Can you board Vasa?
To minimize the negative impact each boarding has on the ship, boarding for
visitors is prohibited. There are exceptions, for example authorized staff from
the Vasa Museum, who go on board to do maintenance, so that we can preserve the
Vasa for future generations.
The Vasa Museum started the project "Stötta Vasa" (Support Vasa) in 2024, which
refers to a new support structure to hold up the ship. New research has shown
that the support cradle Vasa has today, does not provide enough support. The
Ship needs both external cradle and an internal skeleton.
What happened with Brickwrecks?
Brickwrecks was a temporary exhibition that you could visit at the Vasa Museum
8th Feburary, 2024 to 6th January, 2025.
Next stop for Brickwrecks is Chatham Historic Dockyard (link leads to their
website), outside of London, where the exhibition will open in spring 2025.
Evening event at the Vasa Museum
At the Vasa Museum it is possible to book a guided tour combined with dinner in
the museum after opening hours.
You can find the price list and read more about what we can offer here: Evening
Evening tours at the Vasa Museum
It is possible to book a guided Evening Tour at the Vasa Museum, when it is
closed for the public.
You also have the option to combinde the guided Evening Tour with dinner in the
Vasa Museum's restaurant.
For more information regarding Evening Tours and prices, please go to Evening
arrangements on our website.
Can I place an order from the Museum shop?
The Vasa Museum's shop is stocked with products revolving Vasa, the 1600s, and
the Swedish king and queen of that time – Gustav II Adolf and Maria Eleonora.
If you want to order from the shop, you can place your order by e-mailing your
name and address, the product name and how many you wish to buy. The purchase
goes via the safe payment solution Linkpay. Please be aware that shipment costs
will be added to the price.
E-mail: butiken.vasa@smtm.se
Visit the Museum shop without buying a ticket
The Museum Shop is located outside of the Ship Hall. It is accessible without a
The Museum Shop has the same opening hours as the Vasa Museum.
* Can I place an order from the Museum Shop?
* Vasa Museum's opening hours